Help for Diabetes and TinnitusI am sixty-six years old and have serious health problems.
Fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. My average blood sugar level has Been 179. My feet, legs and hands are always cold and painful. In addition, I need surgery for an enlarged prostate. I also suffer from tinnitus-a roaring and squealing in the ears-for which specialists did nothing except suggest a hearing aid. Within hours of starting stem cell nutrients, my extremities warmed up considerably and did not hurt so much. By bedtime, my glucose levels plummeted to one hundred twentynine. Overnight, my blood sugar levels fell another twelve points. After two weeks, my blood sugar stabilized in the normal range and all discomfort in my legs and feet disappeared. I no longer have an enlarged prostate-that problem ceased to exist. A sinus condition I have suffered from and doctored since childhood is completely gone. I now enjoy a sense of well being that I never had before. My tinnitus has improved so much that I can even hear the whispers of my grandchildren as they tell me their secrets. - DeWayne F.
Able to Bend Knee Again
Able to Walk Pain-Free Amazing Results For Arthritis Arthritis Pain Eliminated Avoided Crippling Anxiety & Depression Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Cyst Went Away Doctor Amazed with 90 essential nutrients Enzymes Gave Me Back My Life! Enzymes Heal Macular Degeneration Fibromyalgia Pain Gone Free from Post-surgery Depression Hand Pain Relieved! Healthier Liver and No More Infections Help for Diabetes and Tinnitus I Amazed My Doctors I Can Breathe Again I Can Read Without My Glasses! I Had Two Months to Live I’m No Longer Taking Blood Pressure Medicine Living Without Vertigo Lost Belly Fat and Regained My Energy Lost Weight and Gained Energy Lupus Lyme Disease Recovery Mineral Miracles Muscle Damage Healed New Hope For Diabetes No Knee Replacement Needed Overcoming Loss of Movement and Sensation Parkinson's Disease Symptoms Gone Personal Experiences With 90 Essential Formula Regaining Circulation In My Legs Regaining the Feeling of Youth Running With a Bum Knee Saving My Life Skydiving Without Arthritis Pain Sleep Apnea & Narcolepsy Overcome Survived Brain Hemorrhage |