Physical endurance, whether it’s for a soccer game, long hike, triathlon or any other lengthy physical activity, relies heavily on the nutrients your body is receiving beforehand. Having the capacity to hike, bike, or run a little longer is largely based on how well your cardiovascular system is expending oxygen and circulating blood flow throughout your body. An individual who is having a hard time breathing or losing color while exercising is putting a lot of stress on their cardiovascular system. A strong cardiovascular system is more capable of transporting oxygen, circulating blood, and expending energy more efficiently; helping to support endurance and performance.
In order to maintain a strong cardiovascular system capable of boosting endurance and performance, your body requires the nutrients necessary to facilitate the pathways that are put to work during physical activity. |
PERFORMANCE* Cyclists were able to improve their times after consuming 500 mL of beetroot juice 2.5 hours before the exercise.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM* Less energy was required by those who had consumed beets before exercise than those who had not consumed beets.
ENDURANCE* Individuals who consume beet juice 2 to 3 hours before their physical activity may improve cardiovascular function and improve endurance.*