Boost Your CM Cream's Potency by Turbocharging it!
Elevate your cm cream by introducing additional herbs and oils for a more targeted benefit to specific body areas. For maximum results, apply a topical application around the necessary area 3 to 4 times daily.
The Basic Foundation: Make a "TURBO" Cream Mix 1 jar of CM Cream:
"TURBO" Bone Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support
Advanced Support: Add 8 drops Sweet Birch oil (pain support for the bones)
"TURBO" Joint Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 10 drops of Sweet Birch 3. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support 4. Add 10 drops of Marjoram if there is muscle tightness 5. Add 5 drops of Lemongrass Oil if inflammation support is needed
"TURBO" Muscle Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support 3. 8 drops Marjoram or Trauma Oil
"TURBO" Ligament and Tendon Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support 3. 8 drops Basil or Trauma oil
"TURBO" Nerve Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Nerve Support 3. 8 drops Ravensara Oil (nerve support)
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Liver and Gallbladder Support 3. 8 drops Carrot Seed Oil
"TURBO" Hormone Support (Female):
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Female Hormone Support 3. 8 drops Rose Geranium (hot flash support)
"TURBO" Hormone Support (Male):
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Male Hormone Support 3. 8 drops Cedarwood Oil
"TURBO" Kidney Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Kidney and Bladder Support
Advanced Support: Add 8 drops Juniper Oil Apply recipe on the kidney area 4-5 times a day for acute situations
"TURBO" Artery Support :
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 1 tsp. of the Good Herbs Circulatory Formula 3. 1 tsp. of the Good Herbs Heart Support
"TURBO" Heart Support :
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 1 tsp. of the Good Herbs Circulatory Formula 3. 1 tsp. of the Good Herbs Heart Support For acute situations, the Heart and Artery Support Recipes can be used 4-6 times a day on the area of concern
"TURBO" Lung Support :
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Respiratory Support 3. 10 drops of Breath of Life Oil
"TURBO" Brain Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Circulatory Formula 3. 8 drops Awareness oil
"TURBO" Adrenal/Energy Support:
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Adrenal Health Apply recipe on the adrenal area (just above the kidneys) as often as needed
"TURBO" Pancreas Support :
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. 2 tsp. of the Good Herbs Pancreas Support 8 drops Dill Blend Oil
Apply recipe on the abdomen and pancreas area 4 times a day
"TURBO" Immune Support (Adult) :
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. Good Herbs Respiratory Support 3. 15 drops of the 1st Defense 4. Add 10 drops of "Breath of Life" if there are any lung issues
"TURBO" Immune Support (Child) :
1. 10-15 drops of Cypress Oil 2. Good Herbs Respiratory Support 3. 15 drops of the To Be Well essential oil blend 4. Add 10 drops of the Ravansara if there are any lung issues
For the immune support, you can rub it on the chest, back, and feet every 15 to 30 minutes. Typically people will FEEL the difference even after 1 application.